Groupful: Online Group Card

Building & launching a web app that allows people to send virtual group cards on a shared message board with 4.28K unique users first month of launch!

The product is LIVE on!
Product Management & Product Design Intern
Developer: Jade Suntoro
Design Engineer: Lichin Lin
Product Designer: Way Chang
Visual Designer: Natalie Su
2 months (Spring 2021)

Project Background

Sending group cards to loved ones during quarantine was hard.
The team noticed people sending photo collages of wishes as a way to celebrate special days even when they are physically apart.
A web app that allows you to create group cards for friends & fam on special occasions.
Easily create a board, choose a theme, and share it with friends to write a group card together!

Evaluating Success

After the first month of launch, there were:
unique visitors
boards created
cards posted

Product Demo

Easily create a group message board and share link with friends! Try it here.

Competitive Audit

01. Teamo
• focuses on simplistic design & emphasizes on communicating through GIFs

• more professional setting, the visual design feels modern & "tech" focused
02. Kudoboard
• focuses on photos in the cards

• has different background styles

03. GroupTogether
• focuses on traditional yearbook-style group cards

• design feels a bit formal & rigid

• can print out the card for you

Discover & Design

After a brainstorming with the product team, we honed in on a couple things we could double down on to differentiate:
We started off with building a MVP version of the concept and asked the team to use it to write a farewell card for an intern that's graduating from PicCollage.
Explorations: I moved forward with Freestyle 2 after getting feedbacks from users & the team.
Live Cursor Tryout: During one of the development cycles, we implemented LIVE cursor and communication to experiment on social interaction. However, this feature ended up confusing users and did not provide much user value, so we ended up removing it.

Growth & Marketing

Ad Experiments: To experiment which use case people resonate the most with, I set up 4 different scenarios for our ads campaign.
Marketing Campaigns: Working with the marketing team, we launched an appreciation campaign for Taiwanese frontline workers with over 500 views and 100+ cards within a week.

Post Launch Evaluation

After launching the product, we've seen a lot of birthday & celebration use cases, but we also discovered some interesting use cases...
A business user used it to post new product releases
A Winnie the Pooh influencer used it to collect her fans' Winnie the Poohs
Someone used it to post a cute cat waiting to be adopted

Final Design: Mobile Flow

Moving Forward

After first month of launch, I learned that there's a 54% drop off from view the board to post a card. So a question I would ask myself is "how can I encourage customers to post cards?" A couple of potential solutions could be having template cards people could readily choose. There's also a big drop off (86%) from the landing page to creating a board, so I would also look into how to reduce the friction to create a board.

In addition, with the unexpected use case, I would revisit the original target audience we want to aim for and discuss with the team on what scenario we'd like to focus on, considering the potential monetization opportunity.


01. Ship to learn & iterate fast
One of my biggest learnings throughout the experience is to build and iterate quickly. Getting the scrappy MVP in the hands of the users can unlock insights that could totally change the direction of where the product is going.
02. Know why you are building the feature you are building
Throughout the rounds of testing and iterations, I've learned to be more intentional when I have an idea on what to design. Instead of being guided solely by my own intuition, It's important to ask myself a couple "why" to make sure the design decision is sound and impactful to users.
03. Leave space for users to play around with
After launching the product, we were able to see how users are using it creatively— the use cases range from using Groupful for group journaling, posting flash sale products, posting COVID resources, crowd source Winnie the Pooh collections...etc. This made me realize not focusing the product on a specific use case early on actually opens up unexpected possibilities!